Project information
- Category: Responsive Web App / E-Commerce Website
- Client: JNP Biotech
- Project date: Jan-May 2022
- Environment: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Dreamweaver
- Technology & Languages: HTML, CSS, JS, Jquery Media Queries
E-Commerce Website- Responsive Web App
The JNP Biotech is in selling health accessories online
- Storyline for logo Design using adobe illustrator.
- Problem Suspect
- Ideation , Competitors Analysis
- Journey Mapping of the web application
- Card sorting based on it creating sitemap
- Requirement Gathering for website.
- Converting the requirement in story board
- Wireframing and brainstorming with paper prototypes.
- Designing using adobe photoshop
- Prototyping the Webpage using Adobe XD
- Designing Website for App using one page responsive layout for web and mobile using adobe photoshop and development using html and jQuery.
- Develop UX wireframes, flows, and interactive prototypes using Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.